UniFi uses the latest market research techniques to construct a detailed analytical report that has all the necessary information needed for your company to conquer the market
Market Research
  • Market overview (detailed statistics, rules & trends)
  • Actors overview (statistics, behaviour, trends)
  • 3 detailed market cases (success/failure stories)
  • Detailed insights (forecast on trends, actors & market rules)
  • Personalized recommendations for client
4 pages research with following parts:
Up to 80 Hours

$ 15,000
pre-paid 50%
Priority Support per Month
20 Hours

$ 5,100
pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
10 Hours

pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
$ 2,700
$ 300
Pre-paid 1st Hour
Then Weekly payments afterwards
Price per hour
  • Actors overview (statistics, behaviour, trends, list & prioritization of actors)
  • Market detailed overview (detailed statistics, hidden rules & trends)
  • 6 detailed market cases (success/failure stories)
  • Personalized insights (forecast on trends, actors & market rules)
  • Complex personalized recommendations & concept plan for marketing activities
  • Presentation of research results (adapted for investors relations)
  • 2 hours of advising sessions
8 pages research with following parts:
Up to 80 Hours

$ 15,000
pre-paid 50%
Priority Support per Month
20 Hours

$ 5,100
pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
10 Hours

pre-paid 75%
Advisory Package
$ 2,700
$ 300
Pre-paid 1st Hour
Then Weekly payments afterwards
Price per hour
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$ 50,000 work order within one month
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