Research ops from UniFi Group. Multi-niche specialization gives confidence in a high-quality market cross-section, quick and valuable express-option.
1 hour discussion
General insights and directions
Market overview (statistics, rules & trends)
General actors overview & statistic
Project Planning Stage
Project Execution Stage
Controlling & Monitoring
How long will it take?
1-2 weeks
20 hours
The package is intended for the Market atypical area or sub-area with clarifications and specifications from the customer in the field of market segment, user segments or other features of the studied area.
Advisory Package
pre-paid 75%
$ 5,100
2-4 weeks
10 hours
It is enough to review the market in the chosen niche (or to check the simple hypothesis) without clarifications and specifications from the customer. The market cross-section with general data, competitors and rules of the game.
Advisory Package
pre-paid 75%
$ 2,700
UniFi adheres to the establishment of long-term partnerships yielding tangible value and will consider renumeration in the form of native project digital assets
Pay up to 20% of the order with your project’s digital assets
The framework of Marketing Advising services includes the following services provided by highly qualified specialists in their respective areas of expertise:
The service is provided in the form of consulting hours packages and can be used with other services within the paid package at the Customer’s discretion.
Specialists on the project:
Related services:
Customer research
Growth Hacking
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